Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Our One Year Old Social Butterfly!

How has it been a year already and how has it only been a year at the same time? Baby girl has turned into a funny, sweet, social butterfly babbling away. She has so much love for her "mom" "dada" and brother (still no discernible name for him). Her smiles and laughter are infectious. Having two kids has been the best. At times it has been hard, but nothing like what I imagined because so far meeting Leilah Sue's needs has been pretty easy. She has just entered into the wants phase and is becoming much more opinionated about life, which will be fun to witness (fingers crossed. ha!).

This month:
  • was up and down with sleep. I think when she's teething we are up frequently and then when we catch a break, she can sleep a good 6 hour chunk.
  • had a lingering runny nose.
  • developed a super quick crawl and began relying on cruising the furniture a lot more
  • loved playing with her big brother and interacting with him all the time
  • Continued to love any and all foods we introduced her to. She also started drinking milk from a sippy cup (those new miracle cups are amazing!) and feeding herself snacks and squeeze pouches. She still plays around with the sippy cup and spits milk all over herself, yet she is starting to actually drink it more.
  • has five teeth (with two more cutting through soon)
  • loves music and bounces up and down with the beat
  • finds the funniest things to play with (usually not toys)
  • went through a phase of not wanting us to walk her around and just wanted to crawl. Just the other day began loving walking herself around with her little walker
  • Sometimes did two naps a day (a quick 30 min. one in the morning and then a long one from 1-3ish) and sometimes did one nap (11-1ish)
  • started snuggling Mommy or Daddy at bedtime and let us shush her or sing her to sleep.
  • began babbling so much more! She seemed to be having full on conversations with us even though we have no clue what she's talking about yet. Her most common word is "baba" and since she still refuses to take a bottle, we are not sure what it means for her. She very clearly says "mom" but I'm not entirely sure if she means me or breast milk.
  • She weighs 23.7 lbs (95th %) and is 31 inches long (98th%).

This is a rare sight with her, but sometimes a little fussy shows up

This is always pretty funny to see in the middle of the night when I expect her to be lying down or sitting up and instead she is standing like this.

Big brother still adores her and is still so loving and kind and careful with her

She just discovered Charlie's dog bed and loves going and sitting for a bit in it!

Her 1st birthday "cupcake" (muffin)

Her common reaction to her dad or brother

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