Sunday, April 21, 2013

Seven Month Old Baby

Micah is seven months. My little cutie is closer to being a one year old than to being a newborn baby! This was a huge month of growth and changes for Micah. We love him so so so much! This month Micah:

  • Began tummy crawling and getting himself pretty much where he wants to go
  • Cut his first tooth and is starting to cut the second (both lower front teeth)
  • Started to play a lot (which means lots and lots of books, toys, blocks, and stuffed animals now capture his attention) 
  • Traveled with mommy (and Nana) to visit and meet the family in Chicago and Cleveland 
  • Kept up the stranger danger phase with new people
  • Started reaching out to get mommy to hold him if Nana or Gramma had him
  • Traveled to Gramma Susan's home many days while construction happened in our own home
  • Got a lot louder when he gets tired and has started to make some pretty funny sounds
  • Occasionally started to blow raspberries on us and into the air (sometimes so hard he looks like he could burst!)
  • Started not enjoying diaper changes as much
  • is still cosleeping with Mom and Dad
  • is on mostly formula during the day and mommies milk at night (with one bottle of it during the day)
  • continues to be a mostly calm and happy baby!
  • got his first little hair cut so now it's just a mohawk instead of a comb over!

Showing off my new teeth

I can crawl around now!

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