Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring Break Chicago Style: Family, Family of Family, and Fun in the Sun

Most people from the Puget Sound area like to escape to warmer destinations over Spring Break like Hawaii, California, and Arizona. I, however, am apparently from a different bread of folk who chose  two spring break hot spots: Chicago and Cleveland! What, you say they are not hot spots? Well, luckily we have amazing family in both locations who brightened our days (and it did almost get to 70 degrees one or two days thanks to crazy spring weather!). Micah and I had a blast. We did learn a few things about traveling Mommy and baby and will write more on those soon.

In Chicago we visited my cousins Debbie and Dave and their baby Will. It was so wonderful to finally get to meet Will. It is hard to believe that it was already two years ago that we gave a small family baby shower for Debbie and Dave in Scottsdale, Arizona on our little Spring Training get together. I was so excited to finally get to know the little guy and I wanted to see Debbie since she is pregnant again and expecting their second kiddo. Since Will is currently first cousin-less and Micah is currently first cousin-less, we wanted to get them together as soon as possible to feel the cousin love.  Debbie is technically my Dad's first cousin since her mom was my Papa Howard's little half sister. I feel so lucky that our families have remained so close even with the weird generation gaps and long distance.

My mom, Micah and I arrived on Saturday afternoon and had until Tuesday with the three of them. Cousin Will is just as adorable as his pictures. He loves reading books, has tons and tons of interactive toys, loves to eat all kinds of food, loves going to "school" (his day care. He almost loves going to school as much as his dad loves receiving his "report cards" each day!). Will was pretty sweet with Micah and loved showing his toys to Micah, although as is to be expected from an almost two year old, he immediately wanted them all back to himself the minute Micah showed any interest in them.

Debbie & Dave were so gracious to host our extended families! Micah's Uncle Alan's family (Alan is married to Jen, my adopted sister and hospital twin) is from Chicago, so we got to visit with them over brunch. We also got to see Micah's Auntie Beth's parents (my brother's in-laws) who are also from Chicago. The food was yummy, the weather sunny, and the company so wonderful! It was the perfect get together. We got to visit and Micah got to meet little Jessica (Auntie Jen and Uncle Alan's niece)!

Cousin Will reading one of his books

The Chicago Seif family: Debbie, Lou, Neil, Shannon, and baby Jessica

So fun to see Shannon and Neil again!

I am absolutely in love with this photo of Jessica! 

This one too even though it is without her super cute smile

Micah started tummy crawling a bit while we were there!

Ken & Susan with Micah and my mom

The yummiest brunch foods

The hostess with the mosses in her gorgeous home

Sorry Auntie Beth & Uncle Ben...KPoobah is ready to be a Grampa!

Sorry again Auntie Beth & Uncle Ben...Gramma Susan is a natural too!

Fun with bubbles on a sunny spring day

enjoying all the attention

Jessica's Grandpa Lou!

Fun with a rice sensory tub. Will liked to eat the uncooked rice. 

A wonderful day together

Micah looks super tired, but he slept pretty well considering we were in a new spot!

We couldn't visit Chicago without some Chicago style pizza! Phil was sooo jealous!

Enjoying Will's baby toys

Clear blue skies at the bean

We didn't stay long downtown, but Nana and Micah enjoyed the 70 degree weather at the bean

My lovie

Stay tuned for Spring Break Part Two and for Tips on How to Travel Alone with Baby

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