Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Babies First Easter (Meeting Great Gramma Lilly)

While poor Phil was quarantined to his own bedroom and bathroom due to food poisoning, Micah and I went to Gramma Susan's for a wonderful Easter Sunday. It was the perfect opportunity for Micah to meet his Great Grandparents Lilly and Tom. In true Susan form, we had a wonderful home cooked meal that I could rave about for days. In true Lilly form, she had a beer in her hand for every photo I took...how's that for living life at 86 years young or so?! (add that to the list of reasons why this woman completely fascinates and amazes me. The top of the list is the fact that she still goes commercial fishing in Alaska every summer!) And lucky, not in true Seattle form, the weather cooperated and was sunny and nice! I love the photos from the day (my apologies to Tom...it seems he managed to escape my photos!). Poor Phil missed the whole thing.

Loving the sun

Micah and his Gramma/Nanny Susan :-)

Checking out Great Gramma Lilly from below


Double yum!

Nap time

action shot

Loves his Gramma sooo much! Lucky he gets to be with her while Mommy and Daddy work each day!

What!? Another beer Great Gramma?! ha!

If only Phil was here...it would be four generations!

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