Wednesday, March 1, 2017

1/31 #SOL17 Morning Snuggles With Two

It's that time of year again! The Slice of Life Writing Challenge where I will join the community of educators at TwoWritingTeachers to write a small moment piece each day in the month of March. I hope you enjoy these daily posts and that some of you will even be joining me. If you are taking on the challenge, please let me know so that we can read each others posts! Now without further is my first post for the year:

“Do you want to come snuggle with us?” I asked my big boy knowing he would say yes. Hoping and praying he would say yes.
He nodded his head in agreement and as I lifted the corner of the covers he hopped up into bed and nestled into the corner of my left arm. His three-week-old baby sister was already snuggled up to my chest and in the nook of my right arm. 

I leaned over and gave my first baby kisses. “I love you so much buddy!” “I love you too Mama,” he said. In that brief morning moment before I would hear my dad arguing and prodding and persuading this big boy to get ready and get out the door for preschool, I felt peace. Pure peace. The kind of peace that begins in the warmth of one’s sleeping limbs and travels directly to the core of one’s heart, causing a meditation of gratefulness and pulsating love that truly feels as though it might burst at any moment and instead only expands and strengthens.

I gave each kiddo another kiss before sleepily urging the oldest to get ready for school.  “Ok buddy, its time for you to go to preschool. Daddy or I will pick you up at the end of the day.” He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek and leaned across me to give baby girl a kiss on the top of her sweet reddish hair.

I can’t help but wonder how just a month ago I was mourning the loss of our family of three. Mourning the way our son would no longer get all of his parent’s attention. And now there are these moments and this family of four and I can’t imagine it any other way. 

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