Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blogger Baby Shower

I've joined the facebook group Seattle Blogger's Unite, which I got very excited about since I really am interested in meeting other bloggers in the area. Through this, I found out about a blogger baby shower thrown in honor of The Maven of Social Media. I barely made the invitation qualifications since it was for pregnant bloggers or bloggers with infants 6 months or under. As stressful as it was to leave work on the early side, let Phil give Micah another bottle (therefore depleting my breastmilk supply even further), and miss out on the little time I get with Micah after work, I'd say the shower ended up being a great way to spend a Tuesday evening. Leanne of Rave and Review put on this wonderfully sponsored event and not only did each blog gal in attendance receive a fun swag bag full of goodies, but we basically each walked away with two awesome gift baskets full of baby stuff. It was fun meeting new people, like Meghan of 425 Mom (whom I'd already stumbled upon her awesome blog before meeting her). It was also fun to be around so many second or third time mothers to hear advice and recommendations and also stories of things to look forward to or dread (potty training, etc.). A lot of the goodies came from Infantino and Freshbaby and were super cute. Micah scored a sweet starting solids gift set and a bathtime gift set. Fun Fun!
the bloggers

the prizes

The hostess

Super sweet Mamas

The bathtime goodies I scored

The Starting Solids goodies I also snagged

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