At 18 months Leilah is the sweetest little girl I know. She and her brother have a little love affair going on and yet she saves snuggles and the best hugs ever for her dada and mama. We love her so!
This month Leilah:
This month Leilah:
- was up most mornings at 5am or 5:30, although recently has started sleeping in until 6:30 again!
- loved stories before nap time and bedtime. She is very opinionated on which ones she wants to read or doesn't want to read. Favorites are still Sandra Boynton, Nancy Tillman, Hug, Goodnight Moon, and the 100 words picture books.
- began climbing onto chairs, the toilet, the couch, the lovesac, the rocking chair, her stroller.
- had a couple babysitters and wasn't too excited about them.
- developed a bit of separation anxiety.
- flew to the Bay Area with Mommy, Daddy, and brother to visit family and stay at Nana and Papa's. She got some time in the pool and walked around her cousin's farm, and went to her first luxury suite at the Giants game! She got lots of time with her cousin Clare (even though Micah tried to hog baby Clare for himself the whole time).
- had another cold where she broke out in little bumps/hives again at the beginning.
- seemed to be allergic to hay or something on the farm (just like her dad) and got little red rash spots on the back of her legs.
- loved trying on other peoples shoes.
- started to really like coloring. She actually focused on coloring for 5-10 minutes a few times!
- enjoyed camping in the tent trailer with Gramma and hanging with cousins while at Mt. St. Helens area.
- began her first parent-kid gymnastics class while Micah had his class. She loved it and mom loved not trying to keep her off the gymnastics floor the whole time. She loves the foam pit, the little trampolines, and especially loves hanging on the bars and trying to do forward rolls. She already doesn't want to hold my hand while doing the balance beam!
- Helped celebrate her Gramma's birthday and got to hang with her Aunt Cassie & Uncle Andrew.
- loved running around and around our kitchen island.
- went on so many early morning exploration adventures with Mommy and Micah. Lincoln Park, Schmitz Preserve, Alki, the Cove, Jack Block park, the SeaTac Botanical Gardens, Fauntleroy Creek, and more!
- said more words: "peez" (pleasewith sign language), "geez" (cheese), "mo" (more), "ba" (bird, bottle), "wa wa" (water) among others
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