Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Library Holds 28/31 #sol17

I walked into our public library to quickly pick up my holds. I looked in the normal place where the V's are held and I had no books! Oh no, I thought! I know I got several email notifications that my holds were in. I scanned the shelves and sighed with relief and immediately began a small chuckle under my breath when I spotted my holds on the nearby shelf stacked high. There were only two other stacks on those shelves, so for today I came in first or second or third place for the most books on hold. 

This has become my mode of operation lately. Instead of leisurely browsing the stacks for a book that catches my eye, I come prepared. Occasionally I can spend leisurely time at our library, but now that time is full of reading with my son and helping him find what catches his eye. Now, thanks to subscribing to amazing blogs like The Nerdy Book Club and Latinxs in Kid Lit and Teaching Tolerance I enter all of their highly recommended books in my handy library app. Occasionally we are out and about and happen upon a bookstore. Now that we have been on a tight budget with only one income I just enter titles I see into the library app and boom...stacks so high I win the prize (if there was one!). I am really so grateful for these blogs and for our library! 

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