Thursday, December 19, 2013

Definitely a Toddler at Fifteen Months Old!

At 15 months Micah is one cool dude!

This month Micah has:

  • started running around.
  • says up, down, up, down, up, down…over and over again. Mostly in context.
  • sleeps well depending on his teething. He usually wakes up to check up on us 45 minutes after going to bed.
  • Is still cutting his first molar on and off.
  • showed an on and off interest in cars and trucks.
  • showed interest in trains, farm animals, and even dolls.
  • continued to love reading and sitting on everyone's laps while listening to the stories and pointing to pictures (especially animals) and responding to questions about the pictures
  • continued to grow his receptive vocabulary. He will go get things that you ask for. 
  • developed a great memory. He took his clothes out of his laundry hamper and walked over to the washing machine and put them inside! He pays attention to what we all are doing for sure!
  • continued to eat with us at meal time and eat a lot! He goes back and forth with foods. One day he likes apples, the next he wants nothing to with them and does the same thing with other foods (tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.)
  • spent lots of time with family. Thanksgiving vacation was super fun and he kept up with his big cousins at the cabin in Twain Harte. 
  • gone on a real steam train and seen Santa, rode on a small train at Cover's Apple Orchard, been brave in a hay maze, and been super interested in farm animals (and birds…always birds).
  • done lots of FaceTime with family
  • experienced hail! Mommy and Micah went out during a hailstorm and played in the hail that stuck on the ground. Lots of smiles.
  • been spoiled silly with gifts for Hanukkah by Nana and Papa and others.
  • accompanied Mommy and Daddy on a fun downtown Seattle day filled with the Gingerbread Houses, the teddy bear hotel suite, Pikes Market, Piroshky Piroshky, and the Aquarium. We definitely go in the holiday spirit early this year.
  • kept Mommy company while Daddy worked the night shift.
  • consolidated naps to one major nap a day (one and a half to two and a half hours).
  • checked out lots of holiday lights with Mommy, Daddy, and Gramma Susan.
  • been in exploration mode. He tries to learn about everything he sees!
  • still goes after Charlie's food and water! STILL!
  • gone on lots of walks in the stroller with Gramma, Daddy, and Charlie even though it's been super cold out!
  • tried to do everything on his own. It's amazing how independent he already wants to be. He holds his own spoon, wants a real fork, tries to feed himself, wants to slurp the milk from the cereal bowl like his dad (Thanks Phil! ha!), tries to brush his own teeth, and more.
  • rode on his first pony! He was so brave and didn't even hesitate. It wasn't just one that goes in a circle either…it was a real ride in the woods! (Thanks Isaac for having such a cool birthday party!)
  • went #2 on the toilet for the first and second time! Sorry if it's TMI, but even if it doesn't last…it was a super big celebration for Mommy since she didn't have to clean a dirty cloth diaper!
A nice and cold, but sunny Seattle outing

Hello Sea Otter at the Seattle Aquarium

Fun exploring Pike's Market

Carrying on the Twain Harte tradition of riding the Horsey Tree

Hanging with his cousins that will be in the same grade in school. Zephyr is 9 1/2 months here, Micah 14 months, and William 7 months!

Another amazing Thanksgiving with family in Twain Harte.

This boy loved being in nature all Turkey Day!

He's starting to be interested in creative play thanks to his Nana's Pinterest Projects!

Santa Train with his cousins in Jamestown!

Hanukkah with his Papa and Great Gramma Jacquie!

Hail storm fun!

First Pony Ride!

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