Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nineteen Months Going on Kindergarten

This kid is growing up quick style. For reals! I swear he can "read" a book like some of my Kindergarten students. Okay…maybe that's a slight mom exaggeration, but you get my gist! This month has been all about vocabulary development…plus a little more running and teething action!

My cool little dude

This month Micah:

  • continued to repeat almost everything we said. He also has made so many connections like pointing to one bird on the telephone wire outside and saying, "one" and pointing to a blue easter egg and saying "blue". 
  • played in the dirt and mud and rain water in the backyard. He runs on the deck, plays with his truck and with his shovel and even finds little bugs and worms.
  • has gotten pretty good at climbing stairs and even some rocks/retaining wall in our backyard.
  • has been easier to convince to ride in the stroller if we let him hold things (pinecone, rocks, toys, etc.).
  • continued to enjoy all things preschool. 
  • went through phases of barely eating to eating a lot.
  • went in the Ergo for a few snuggly walks.
  • wore mostly disposable diapers. Let's face it…we've given up on the cloth. :-(
  • had his first non-family babysitter! Gracea was a fun change from Mom, Dad, and Gramma, which Micah seemed to enjoy!
  • went to Mommy's school event and was pushed over by a four year old and hit his head. Luckily he was ok, but it definitely gave us a scare!
  • stopped waking up so much during the night
  • finally started a Mommy phase again (after it was Daddy Daddy Daddy for so long!) since she had been home for spring break
  • Had another super bad cold (glad it's not allergies like I had initially thought!)
  • Enjoyed Easter and Passover like a kid that is starting to understand that some days are different and more special than others! 
  • had a doctors appointment where he weighed in around 24 lbs and was in the 90% for everything!

Getting the old car seat ready for one of the Smith twins!

Loving the Children's Museum's water tables

I love this age!

Loving everything trains

with Mama at the zoo

a kiss for cousin Mark's famous Children's hospital ad!

We play everywhere when it's sunny!

Peek a boo tulip in the neighborhood!

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