Sunday, May 12, 2013

Life with Micah Lately

These aren't the best photos since they are IPhone photos, but they capture a lot of Micah's life lately. 

Playing in Seattle's awesome warm sunny weather lately

Accompanying Mommy and Daddy to Chipotle

Playing in Isaac's new tent looking forward to camping this summer

Watching Isaac use tools while Daddy helped Isaac's daddy with their remodel

Playing with trucks at the park

Loving all things musical

At my Baby Genius class crawling all over

Sleeping a lot in the carseat

Hanging out in the Bob stroller

Gramma sent this to Mommy & Daddy while they were working. I pulled myself up to standing!

I do not like solid food yet. Mommy and Daddy try to get me to taste all this weird stuff like potatoes and bell peppers.

Sorry for the blurry picture, but Mommy just loves my little ducky self after baths.

I'm just chillin, super used to bottles, but Mommy was excited because it was the first bottle she gave me. I was like, dude...I'm almost eight months old mom...come on!

I'm not very scared of new things. I kept up with the toddlers at Temple on our Help Dora find the Torah adventure

I'm good at sitting and listening to story time. Here I am with friends at temple in the Kiddush Club

I love when Mommy helps me stand up and walk. And I love knobs and handles.

I like to sit myself up now. I can do it quickly.

I have so many toys and I play with them a ton now.

Thanks for joining us for a glimpse of our day to day life!

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