Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Birthday Get Away

I couldn't have asked for a better thirtieth birthday celebration. Considering we have a baby now, it was not to be the debauchery Thirsty Thirty that Phil's Big Birthday weekend was a few years ago, which is fine by me. Instead, I decided a fun little get away weekend with friends, family, and kids would be fun. We spent three days and two nights renting a house at the Suncadia Resort near Cle Elem & Roslyn, Washington. My mom flew in for the weekend (my dad was supposed to, but he is back east training for a brand new job...excuses excuses), Micah and Isaac got to play together, Charlie got to come along and get some good freedom and exercise, Phil had a bit of guy time and just a few good beers, and I had much needed girl time with friends and family at the best spa I've ever been to. Oh yeah, I can't forget the fact that we had tons of Guacamole (my favorite!) and an amazing homemade authentic Mexican meal thanks to one of the mom's from the school that I work at. I'm used to being spoiled by my parents (which they continued to do even for my big 3-0!), but this year my hubby joined them in spoiling me. He surprised me with a Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cake (another favorite), an IPhone (I know...I finally entered the modern world and left my "dumb phone" behind!), and he even got a piƱata too! I have always been a huge fan of birthdays and I can now add this to the list of memorable, unforgettable milestone birthdays. I am sure that I will go overboard celebrating all of Micah's birthdays, but at least I can try to balance it out by teaching him to recognize the importance of celebrating other's birthdays too (like his mother and father).
Here is a huge photo dump from the weekend. I am feeling super horrible and guilty that I somehow neglected to get a single shot of or with a few of my guests (like Cricket, my own mother, & Mike's girlfriend Paula). What kind of photographer am I!? Boo! :-/
The babies finally getting closer to "play date" age

The new pack and play that Micah may never sleep in. At least he liked playing in it a bit.

Krista loving the sunshine on Day 1

So glad that Anna and Ryan joined us for our joint birthday weekend!

Gramma Nanny finally enjoying some off time

So happy to have some girl time with two best friends (& bummed that I didn't snap a photo with Cricket too!)

Micah getting tons of great Daddy time

And more Gramma time

Krista and Isaac

The other Birthday Girl! We are just one day apart. Anna is such a young'un!

My new favorite photo of us!

The babies loved playing with toys all weekend. Can you believe that Isaac is a whole nine months older than Micah!?

You'd think he was smiling at Micah, not Peter....ha!

The yummiest tamales & enchilada dinner

Krista and Peter enjoying their time away from their own crazy remodel!

just one of many surprises

I never knew this guy could be so good at planning surprises!

And surprised I was!

Dying of laughter with the bag on your head instead of a bandana for the pinata 

So much fun!

Everyone got to try

Even the boys got to take a stab at it

Not a dull moment

What better way to collect all the candy than a snow shovel?

Anna's adorable gift that is intended just for the cute pun, not because she believes it!

I am still trying to figure out why Phil chose an elephant for me...symbolism anyone?

Uncle Mikey makes an amazing breakfast!
Thank you to everyone near and far that helped me celebrate my birthday! I feel so extremely lucky and blessed. The cards, calls, facebook posts were greatly appreciated. And to those who spent more mone than you likely wanted to for someone's birthday made it out to Suncadia, I had the best time and just love you to pieces! 


  1. It looks like you had a blast! So glad that you were able to get that time away. I hope this next year is filled with more reminders of how loved and appreciated you are. Cheers, Ali!

  2. what a fun celebration of such a fun friend! glad it all worked out and you had an awesome trip! happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Woohoo - finally reading this. SO much fun!! I won't feel bad about not being in any pics since your mom wasn't either... (KIDDING!!)


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