Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby is Four Months Old!

This month Micah has:
  • Continued studying, playing with, and really focusing on his hands
  • Been drooling like crazy
  • Had a super difficult week of little sleep (up all night for many nights...Mom's hardest week so far!)
  • Watched his parents have their first real parenting decision making conversations and struggles and listened to them finally settle on Attachment Parenting instead of sleep training him just because he's "old enough".
  • Gotten so big! While we haven't been to the doctor for his four month appointment yet, he is already out of 3 month clothes and into 3-6. (If weighing myself and then weighing myself while holding him tactic proves accurate, he is at least 15 pounds!)
  • Interested in toys now. He especially loves the jumperoo we found on Craigslist for him.
  • Begun leaning forward to try to grab things (like his feet or Charlie or any other nearby item) and already wants to put everything in his mouth
  • Shown interest in other people and babies (especially at the parent baby group that we began attending again)
  • Tried to sneak looks at the tv and IPad/IPhone (since Mommy and Daddy try hard to not have this happen!)
  • Been going to sleep around 6 each night after a bath, story, and "Mommy time" breastfeeding
  • 3 major night time feedings. Usually around 11:30pm, 3:30am, and 5:30am
  • Been chewing on his fist or fingers as he hasn't mastered sucking a preffered digit
  • Giggled and laughed and snorted a lot
  • Given the biggest gummiest smiles
  • Had real tears when he cries
  • Continued to hate the car. Just in the last week, if we time it right he can be distracted by the toys dangling from the car seat or even fall asleep with the sleep machine on if it is his nap time
  • Had diaper burns for a week until we realized we had been using the wrong detergent (Note: hard vs. soft water detergents matter!)
  • Babbled with baby talk a lot! Making a lot more "wow" type noises
  • Loved being outside
  • Loved to watch and touch and get kisses by Charlie the dog
  • Enjoyed looking at himself in the mirror
  • Enjoyed facetime with his Nana and Papa regularly and other family members on and off
  • Been getting used to time alone with his Gramma each week so Mommy can transition back to work and so he gets used to being with his GrammaNanny
  • Been slurping down bottles fast when he gets one
This month our little photo shoot proved more difficult as Micah kept leaning forward and almost falling out of the chair. Luckily, it was a three day weekend and so I had Daddy there to help catch him if he fell!

Notice Daddy's hand on close standby!
***Update: We had Micah's Four Month Doctors appointment yesterday (on the 30th) and he weighs 16 pounds, 6 and a half ounces! That is the 90th percentile! He is also in the 98th percentile for length! What a big baby! He was such a trooper and barely cried when he got his immunizations.

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