As I mentioned previously, I signed myself up for a Blogger's Secret Santa exchange. I was a bit nervous about it since I feel like I am such a rookie at all this blogging stuff like link ups and blog hops and rafflecopter give aways and exchanges. But, I thought "'Tis the Season" and "why not?" and so I signed up. Wouldn't you know what happened!? The completely random computerized match maker matched me with the freakin Host of the whole Secret Santa thing! The host! Talk about nerve wracking! Luckily I checked her amazing website, and she described a lot of great virtual gift ideas that seemed doable. I studied up on the amazing website to try to get to know her and...oops, maybe this would be a good time to introduce you. I am the Secret Santa for Sara Carbaugh over at Creating Purple Fire! Please find my gift to her below, but most importantly (and a much better gift for a blogger), visit her website here! You can find my favorite post of Sara's here and many other interesting posts of hers in the links found below! Although she is interested in many things that I've never heard of or don't care for such as Doctor Who and Star Trek and she is way more crafty than I will ever be, she seems like an amazing Mama and a super funny and interesting person who ponders similar life questions that I do (like what passion to pursue full time). I can definitely see us being friends if we lived nearby!
Dear Sara,
Happy Boobmas and Merry Xmas! I've gathered together a playlist based on you and your website (and some of your posts) with links. It's pretty random, but I think it's fun! Enjoy!
Keep up the great blogging,
1. Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix (because of Creating Purple Fire!)
2. Light My Fire by The Doors (because of Creating Purple Fire!)
3. Bad Case of Loving You by (because you like Doctor Who)
4. End of the World (because of this post)
5. Mickey Mouse Club theme (because that's what I thought of when I read this post)
6. Question by The Moody Blues (because of the life questions you are pondering)
7. The Gambler by Kenny Rogers (because you are figuring out the importance of money)
8. So Much Cooler Online by Brad Paisley (because you are a self professed nerd!)
9. Paperback Writer by The Beatles (because you enjoy writing & blogging)
10. Sugar Pie Honey Bunch by The Four Tops (because you like to bake and share fun recipes)
11. On Broadway by The Drifters (because you say you would love to be an actress)
12. Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall (because some day soon you will figure out what you want to do/be/celebrate!)
Happy Boobmas! |
Dear Sara,
Happy Boobmas and Merry Xmas! I've gathered together a playlist based on you and your website (and some of your posts) with links. It's pretty random, but I think it's fun! Enjoy!
Keep up the great blogging,
1. Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix (because of Creating Purple Fire!)
2. Light My Fire by The Doors (because of Creating Purple Fire!)
3. Bad Case of Loving You by (because you like Doctor Who)
4. End of the World (because of this post)
5. Mickey Mouse Club theme (because that's what I thought of when I read this post)
6. Question by The Moody Blues (because of the life questions you are pondering)
7. The Gambler by Kenny Rogers (because you are figuring out the importance of money)
8. So Much Cooler Online by Brad Paisley (because you are a self professed nerd!)
9. Paperback Writer by The Beatles (because you enjoy writing & blogging)
10. Sugar Pie Honey Bunch by The Four Tops (because you like to bake and share fun recipes)
11. On Broadway by The Drifters (because you say you would love to be an actress)
12. Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall (because some day soon you will figure out what you want to do/be/celebrate!)
Awwwww, Yay!! This is SO awesome and perfect!! Thank you so much and you totally just made my day! :) BIG HUGS!!!