Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Months!

My baby is two months already! (I wrote the following when Micah really turned two months...before our trip to California for Thanksgiving...more on that trip next)

Micah at Two Months:
  • 12 lbs 12 oz! (60th percentile!)
  • 24 inches long! (75th percentile!)
  • normal head circumference
  • Smiles directly at people
  • Looks directly into people's eyes
  • Follows your voice, you, or an object with his eyes
  • Enjoys time spent laying on his back
  • Even rolled himself over twice in a row from tummy to back!
  • Makes all kinds of talking noises (ah-goo and others)
  • Has started to "fake cry" occasionally when he starts to get upset instead of immediately wailing
  • Had two or three nights of sleeping for four or five hours straight
  • Had lots of nights recently of only sleeping an hour and a half to two hours at a time all night long
  • Seemed to have a little cold and cough, but it seems to be gone already
  • Still sleeping with us at night and on us during the day (I can really only put him down when he is awake)
  • Went on fewer adventures, but lots of errands
  • Showed off his cute face to the kids at school who all loved him
  • Grew out of his Newborn clothes and first size of diaper covers


  1. I find it hard to believe that others have children as precious as Micah (I am guilty of being prejudiced). OK, maybe our kids Ali and Ben were just as cute. Micah has changed our world and it was an amazing Thanksgiving week together here in the Bay Area and in Twain Harte. Papa of Micah

  2. Gosh he is seriously so adorable! Hard to believe how quickly they grow up, especially the first year! I'm so glad you are keeping us all posted on his stats so we can take part in this miracle of life!


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